Magnum Lupicaia 2018 Castello del Terriccio


(€262.40 / L)

VAT included

Denomination: I.G.T. Rosso Toscana (Lupicaia)
Producer: Gian Annibale Rossi di Medelana,Vittorio Piozzo di
Rosignano Rossi di Medelana
First vintage: 1993
Grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon, Petit Verdot
Analytical data: Alcohol degree: 14.50%.
Soil type: The soils are rich in iron minerals with the presence of stones and fossils. Facing the Mediterranean Sea, they benefit from a unique reflection of the sun, a
moderate breeze from the coast and the abundance of sunlight promotes unique ripening.

Training system: Spurred Cordon
Planting density: 3,600 vines/Ha for old vineyards; 5,600 vines/Ha for new vineyards

Climatic trend: 2016 was certainly one of the most regular vintages of the last decade. Rainfall met the vines' needs punctually: abundant in March, regular in May and June,
important at the end of July and, finally, a warm and sunny August and mid-September. Temperatures were optimal: a mild end to the winter that had caused concern was
then regularised by a tenably cool spring that slowed down the development of the bunches, which then benefited from the hot but not torrid summer, with significant
temperature swings. Cluster growth was regular and optimal, production was good and ripening was perfect.

Harvest period: Harvesting was strictly by hand and took place for the Petit Verdot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes from mid-September. After an initial selection in the
vineyard at the time of manual harvesting, the Lupicaia grapes are carefully selected a second time on arrival at the winery on the sorting table.

Winemaking notes: After manual selection on the sorting table, the grapes are gently destemmed and pressed, taking care not to break the skin of the berries. Meticulous
alcoholic fermentation takes place in our stainless steel open-cap fermenters at a controlled temperature with maceration of the grapes for about 20 days. Daily dèlestages
allowed the perfect extraction of the bouquet
aromas and the right tannic balance, with an important structure that will allow for long ageing.

Ageing: Ageing takes place in new French oak tonneaux for a period of about 22 months followed by further ageing in bottles before release.
3 Items

Data sheet

Red wine
Castello del Terriccio