Nosiola is the only autochthonous white variety in Trentino, present since the time of the Council of Trent. The origin of the name has not yet been clarified. Many maintain that it derives its name from hazelnut, due to the colour of the grapes when ripe, while others believe that it is the aroma of the wines that recalls that of wild hazelnuts. What we do know is that it is a versatile variety, which like few others in the world can produce both great sweet wines and still white wines with a savoury character that can age for many decades.
Once widespread throughout the province, Nosiola was mainly grown on the Pressano hill and in the Valle dei Laghi. In recent times, the variety has undergone a major downsizing in favour of international varieties to the extent that it has become almost 'rare'. Today it covers a cultivated area of only 65 hectares. As winegrowers, attached to our territory and our traditions, we are happy to contribute to its preservation.
Type of wine: White wine Format: (Litres) 0.75 Production area: Nosiola is planted in the highest vineyards on the edge of the forest at an altitude of about 500 metres to the north-east of Pressano. Nosiola flowers early and prefers high, well-ventilated and sunny areas. The vineyard is west-facing and has loose soil on a deep, fertile dolomite dejection cone. The vines have an average age of 35 years and are trained to the simple pergola system, with a density of about 3500 plants per hectare. Vinification Part of the grapes are destemmed and macerated for 4-5 days until the 'cap rises'. At this point a cuvèe is made from the directly pressed grapes and fermentation continues partly in stainless steel containers and partly in large acacia barrels. The acacia wood allows us to combine the advantages of vinification in wood with the preservation of the fine and delicate bouquet of Nosiola. The wine remains in contact with its own yeast for about 9 months before being bottled at the end of the summer.