BERNARDI bacon - the time to the maturity is esteemed to us
Today as at that time we process after traditional production procedure nearly all parts of the pig, e.g., the leg, the square, the pork nape, the belly, the shoulder and the cheek. Because of the different bandage fabric of the single meat parts we are able with the use of one single salt/herbs-mixture to give this one own individual character and taste.
The salt spice mixture protected since generations refined every now and then is one from herbs, berries, salt and other spices composite recipe which vouches for the unique and distinctive taste of our products. Besides, we place great value of the fact that some berries not to ground, but traditionally are rammed to heat up the contained essence oils on no case and to cause therefore restorative bitter substances.
Our bacon becomes salted with 2.3% on 1 kg of meat. The brine time amounts four weeks and all bacon sides are restacked weekly, besides, must be always also respected the temperature of the brine cell.
The maturity of a good bacon determines the nature only. We create ideal, always constant conditions and give to every item of BERNARDI bacon the time which requires for an optimum maturity.