Pear Williams distillate. No other fruit type is more frequently distilled in our areas than the Williams pear - it is undisputedly the queen among more or less aromatic pip fruit types. Williams is a favourite, although whoever tasted a glass of a true top quality distillate will find the large majority of common or garden pear brandies flat at best, even artificial at worst. Top quality is seldom reached in the industry because substantial effort is required: the Williams pear for the Zu Plun distillate come from the Burgraviato and lower Venosta area near Naturno. When they are picked they need to be much riper than the pears grown for eating. Only then do they release the concentrated aroma which is captured in this distillate. Freshly picked and brightly coloured, these pears are immediately cored by hand in order to avoid unwanted bitter tones, then mashed straight away: a labour-intensive process where time is of the essence. One bottle of this distillate contains the aroma of more than 8 kg of fruit pulp.
Raw material: Williams pears from Naturno and Burgraviato, Lana Distillation method: discontinuous, in a copper still Storage/ageing: - Alcohol content: 42% VOL. Content: 0.5 l Colour-clearness: clear and colourless Nose: Fruity aromas of fully ripe Williams pears Palate: Transparent, pure-toned fruit notes with distinctive depth, mellow and well-structured Finish: the finish of the most elegant among the pip fruit types stands out with remarkable, persistent length and a distinctive pithy-tart touch.