I always hear the same things. That's enough, leave me alone! I'm not going to live like you rich, fools and liars, you only want success and have no respect for nature. I prefer to be alone, I cannot accept what you are doing, you cowards! You have thrown me out just for expressing my thoughts, calling me crazy. I will live Sotto Banco with the knowledge that I will die poor, but without compromise.
Roger Bitter Extra Strong. Born from the inspiration of its creator, Ivano Trombino, in full respect of the cyclical nature. It is the result of a careful selection of citrus fruits and bittering botanicals, cultivated and selected by our Agricultural Company Rurale Vecchio Magazzino Doganale, in Calabria. A unique and countercultural product, sometimes edgy enough to be labelled 'Keep Under Counter'. It's a Bitter... It's a Bitter... Its natural colouring and strong character make it ideal, consumed neat as an after-meal, for lovers of true bitter taste. Formidable in blending.