Lallier Rosé 750ml
Made from grapes from the Montagne de Reims (Verzenay, Verzy, Bouzy et Ambonnay) together with a touch of Chardonnay from the Côte des Blancs. Obtained with 7%<br />grapes from the Bouzy Grand Cru, a rare and elusive red wine terroir in the northernmost part of the region, which gives the blend an inimitable colour, fruity taste and<br />texture.<br /><br />A unique blend of still white wines from Pinot Noir and Chardonnay grapes vinified separately, with 7% Bouzy Grand Cru red wines vinified to be soft yet intense. This<br />method consolidates the full and intense character of Pinot Noir with the characteristic freshness of Chardonnay. Made with 65% Pinot Noir and 35% Chardonnay.<br /><br />Lallier's Rosé illuminates every aperitif moment with a delicate, sumptuous touch and bursting fruit. Enjoy the distinctive intensity of Lallier Rosé on its own or with a light<br />gourmet meal, whatever the season.<br /><br />ROSÉ TASTING NOTES<br />Colour: invigorating soft pink.<br />Nose: fruity with notes of fresh cherry, redcurrant and raspberry and delicate hints of apple and mandarin.<br />Palate: rounded flavour of red fruits and floral notes, followed by intense freshness and delicate acidity, with salty persistence.<br />